
Anne Quinn Corr teaches basic food preparation in the nutrition department at Penn State University as well as international cuisine for the School of Hospitality Management. Corr, who has cooked professionally for more than 35 years, specializes in gourmet natural foods. Her professional experiences have included running her own catering business for more than 20 years and operating a bookstore espresso bar and café.

Since 1985 Corr has penned a freelance food columnist for the Centre Daily Times,the newspaper of Central Pennsylvania. Many of the recipes and photographs included in Seasons of Central Pennsylvaniawere first published in the author's biweekly column.

Corr has conducted cooking classes at State College area schools on ethnic cuisine. She has also lectured for clubs and conferences on topics such as edible flowers, marketing wine with food, and regional foods.

Corr was born in Martin's Ferry, Ohio, and grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English from Penn State in 1972. She currently lives in State College, Pennsylvania, with her husband John. The Corrs have three children, Joe, Alex and Rose and one grandchild, Santana Quinn Corr.


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